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Tunnel Mill Crafts Calendar, 2025

Revised: January 28, 2025

Note: All Classes are taught at:
28036 County Rd 1, Spring Valley, MN 55975

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2025 Classes and Events----

Quilt Retreat in the Country with Carol Adams

April 11, 12 & 13, 2025
Starting at 4:00pm Friday - Sunday afternoon.
All meals furnished.

Come to Tunnel Mill for two lovely days in the country and a quilt retreat (or what ever you wish to do)
Bring your sewing machine and quilting supplies.
Spend two worry free days cutting fabric, sewing or quilting in a large sewing room with individual tables, electricity and plenty of lighting.
Irons and ironing boards provided.
Enjoy leisurely meals on the large deck. 5 meals, snacks and light beverages included. BYOB if wanted.
The cost of your weekend including meals is only $175.00 and will be collected the first afternoon of the retreat.
This fee includes dorm style housing in the mill.
There are 3 Gypsy wagons available for a small additional fee, and 1 individual cabin., for a small fee.
Call ahead to reserve.
Carol Adams 507-289-4189
Location Tunnel Mill Crafts
28036 County Road 1
Spring Valley, MN 55975.
Rochester Community Education


Paint a Barn Quilt Block With Carol Adams

April 26th, 2025
Saturday 9:00am-5:00pm

Come to Historic Tunnel Mill in the valley and paint your own Barn Quilt Block.
During the class you will work on your pattern that you have chosen from one of the offered blocks and start taping and painting your barn quilt block.
Tips on taping and painting your barn quilt block will be taught.
We will offer some basic patterns and sizes for you to choose from ahead of class.
Time needed to accomplish projects may vary, so we will discuss the possibility of an extended class time if needed.
The product we are using is an aluminum composite which is very light weight and durable for exterior use.
Sizes to choose from are 4x4, 3x3, 2x2 and/or 12"x12".
Prices are as follows $200.00, $150.00, $100.00 and $50.00. each.

Supplies will be furnished for the completion of the blocks. We will furnish paints, rollers and brushes as needed.
You will need to call ahead to preorder size wanted, pick out designs and discuss color options.
Additional questions are welcome. Call Carol Adams 507-289-4189 or 507-990-1504. www.tunnelmillcrafts.com
Rochester Community Education

Candle Making at Tunnel Mill
May 3 & May 4, 2025

Join our class to learn how to make soy candles! Learn to craft beautiful candles from fragrance selection to candle wax melting, coloring to pouring. create your own colors and scents for gifts or home decor.
Enjoy cheese, crackers and a beverage while your candles set.
Reserve your spot now!
May 3 class full, so just added May 4, 2025.
2:00-5:00, Cost $8-25 depending on size and container.

Mastermyr Style Chest Follow up Class
Tom Latane

May16, 17,18, & 19,2025
(A 3 or 4 day class)

Latane Mastermyr Chest 1
Latane Mastermyr Chest 2 Latane Mastermyr Chest 3
This class is designed for those who took the two week class in May, 2024, but have not completed their chests of riven oak and forged steel.

These three (or four) days will be devoted to the forging of locks and hardware and instsallation of this hardwaree on the chests (which were mostly assembled during the first class).

Other people who have been working on such chests or similar projects on their own and would like some guidance or woild enjoy working in the company of others with similar interests may register for the class. However, this session will not include instruction of construction from the beginning.

Community Education Classes; Beginning Blacksmithing

with Luke Venheisen
(2 separate class dates)
June 4, 11, & 18th, 2025
6:30 - 9:30 for 3 weeks,
June 5, 12, & 19th, 2024

6:30 - 9:30 for 3 weeks

Luke Venhuizen started his metalworking journey in 2015. He is always striving to learn new things and improve his skills. He has taken many classes at Tunnel Mill Crafts. He is also a member of the Midwest Knifemaker's Guild where he enjoys meeting new people and sharing stories with old friends. Some of his metal work projects have included fire pokers, knives, axes, and other tools.

Come to historic Tunnel Mill for the annual beginning blacksmith classes. Basic blacksmith techniques will be taught: heating, drawing out materials, upsetting, bending, and twisting techniques in steel material. Students will start by making fire tending tools and move on to spend time on special projects as desired. Questions: Contact Carol Adams at 507-289-4189. www.tunnelmillcrafts.com

A $100.00 supply fee will be collected at class to cover all 3 weeks of projects. Dress for safety.
Please bring ear and eye protection; bring gloves. Tunnel Mill Crafts Co Hwy 1 Spring Valley, MN 55975

Community Education - Rochester, Minnesota Create you own knife
Make your own knife-in 1 day

with Luke Venheisen
June 7, 2025
9:00 AM - 5:00PM
Light lunch provided

Come and learn to make and grind your own knife from basic materials. Start with a piece of steel and some wood and add a little labor and guidance. A knife will materialize. Open to all skill levels. Be prepared to come to work and be challenged. Basic blacksrnithing skills preferred.

$150 class fee to be collected at time of class by Tunnel Mill Crafts, includes instructor fees and a light lunch. Cash or Check only.

Luke Venhuizen

Luke started his metal work journey in 2015. He has taken many classes at Tunnel Mill Crafts. He is a member of the Midwest Knifemakers Guild where he enjoys meeting new people and sharing stories with old friends. Some of his metal work projects have included fire pokers, knives, axes, and other tools.

Tom Latané and Paul Nyborg

Class dates are June 25-29, 2025.
Tom will teach the metal portion on the first 2 days, June 25-26, and Paul will teach the wood portion on June 27-28th.
Both Tom and Paul will be available to address any issues and work with students on the 29th.
Cost of class is $700.00 including room and board.

Students will spend two days in the blacksmith shop forging hinges for the door.
The more experienced students may choose to forge-weld and cut knuckles in the hinge barrels.
An alternate hinging method will be demonstrated for those who have not or chose not to forge weld. Several types of ornamentation will be demonstrated.

Students will spend two days in the woodshop hand planning and joining boards into a Gothic door suitable for a cupboard or small closet.
The door will be pierced and the edges of the piercing carved.
On the fifth day students may spend time in whichever shop they would like to make more progress.
Gothic henge for Cabinet Door
Hinge with forge-welded and cut hinge barrels showing possible ornamentation

2 Gothic Hinge Designs
Examples of the punched and wrapped hinge alternative - in plain and pierced design

Gothic Cabinet Dorr Design
Door construction employing dovetailed cleats.

Sketch of Gothic Door
Illustration of possible pierced and carved design with simple hinge design.
Latch option may be demonstrated one evening for students to consider but there will not be time in the class to tackle a latch.

Damascus with Rick Furrer
Damascus knife with handle

August 15, 16 and 17, 2025
$450 per person

Rick's Description of the Class:
Damascus knife class (Pattern-welded)

As in years past we will weld a stack of layered steel, forge it into a bar, shape that bar into a knife.
From there you will grind, heat treat, and etch that knife prior to attaching a handle.
You can explore more complicated patterning techniques if you wish, but the more time you spend on the blade the less time you have to complete the knife.

If you wish to make pattern welded bars under my guidance for future projects that is just fine as well.....You could spend three days making pretty steel.

One steel billet is provided with the class fee and other billets are available for purchase.

Tunnel Mill is a special place and you will enjoy the experience.

Ric Furrer

Here are some pictures of the activities at Rick's class:

Tom Latane

OCT 20-26, 2025

Latane door lock
Latane Door lock open face Latane Door Lock

Students will forge, file, and fit parts for a dead-bolt door lock with a single bolt and a tumbler.
Of course, ambitious students may add a second tumbler if desired.

This European style has lock parts exposed on the lock plate which mounts to the interior surface of the door.
This offers lots of opportunity for embellishment, which many historic smiths ceased with tasteful enthusiasm.
The lock is operated from the inside by levers on the tumbler and bolt. The tubular key is employed only from the outside.

There will be discussion of various warding arrangements besides decorative details.
The ward box will have a central pin to support the key in its rotation (and prevent keys without the proper diameter hole from entering) and hinder the introduction of other tools through the keyhole.
The class members will create a hollow key stem by rolling a tube and forge-brazing it as well as the bit, collar, and bow to the stem.

Students wishing to accomplish the most in class (besides working in the evenings all week) may sign up for the full seven days. Others may enroll for five days (and add the two last days if they wish later)

Directions to Tunnel Mill:

28036 Cty Road 1
Spring Valley, Minnnesota

Tunnel Mill is located 20 miles south of Rochester Minnesota. Take Hwy 63 South out of Rochester to Stewartville, turn east on Hwy 30 to County Highway 1 (approx 5.5 miles). Turn south on County Highway 1. Follow CO HWY 1 6.5 miles to Tunnel Mill on the left side of CO RD Call about camping on the grounds. 507-378-4983 or 507-289-4189, Carol Adams. Lodging available in Spring Valley, 5 miles further south on CO RD 1.
Shady Rest 507-346-2625---Spring Valley Motel & Suites-507-346-7788

Class Registration Form

Class Contact Information

Note: All Classes are taught at:
28036 County Rd 1, Spring Valley, MN 55975

For more information on any of the classes contact us at
jc-adams@msn.com, or call 507-289-4189 Carol Adams.

We are located in southern Minnesota. Tunnel Mill was an old water powered mill. Built in 1869. Retired in the late 1920's..
Located on the Bear River north of Spring Valley, MN.
Wooded 50 acres with a stream that runs through it.

Now, it's a place for crafts people and friends to congregate, relax and learn some of our forgotten crafts.

Watch for more classes!!